quinta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2007

Two Worlds

Roubado de um colega cast member de BH, essa foi a carta que a manager dele o escreveu na hora de voltar. E se você foi CM, tem mais do que o direito de se emocionar.

Months have passed and you now stand on the brink of returning to a world where you are surrounded by the paradox of everything and yet nothing being the same. In less than one week you will reluctantly give hugs and fighting the tears to say goodbye to the people who were once just names on a sheet of paper to return to the people that you hugged and fought tears to say goodbye before you left. You will leave your best friends to return to your best friends.

There have been times we have felt so helpless being hours from home, when our friends and family's needed us the most, and there are times when we know we have made the difference. You will go back to the place that you came from, back to the same things you did last semester and the semester before. You will come into town on that same familiar road, and even though it's been months, it will seem like only yesterday. As you walk in to your old bedroom, every emotion will pass through you, as you reflect on how your life has changed and the person that you have become. You suddenly realize that the things that were important to you months ago, don't seem to matter so much anymore, and the things that you hold highest now, no one will completely understand.

How long until you adjust to sleeping alone in a room again? Then you start to realize how much things have changed, and you realize the hardest part is balancing two completely different worlds that you now live in. Trying desperately to hold on to everything, while trying to figure out what you have toleave behind. In a matter of one days travel time, you will leave your world of living next door to your best friends, walking to Wallgreens and Bennigans, going to the Ale House and PI, and guest's insisting that because they have a hand stamp, they have access to everything.

You will leave your Fantasyland to face the real world.

Four days from now, you will leave. Four days from now you will take down pictures, pack up clothes. No more going next door to do nothing for hours on end. No more guests asking, "Where do I put this ticket?", "What's the point of a hand stamp?", and "Does this train come bacl here?" And for the last time, "The bathroom os outside, to the left, between City Hall and the Firehouse.". You will take your memories and dreams and put them away for now, for your return to this fairy tale world.

In just four days you will dig deep inside to find the strength and conviction, to adjust to the change, and still keep each other close and somehow and in some way you will find your place in these two worlds.

ºoº Don't cry because it is over. Smile because it happened. :)

3 comentários:

Ana Elisa Gusso disse...

PQP, Paulo, porque vc não me falou que tinha um blog antes?? AMEI todos os seus posts, já adicionei aos meus favoritos e vou entrar sempre :)
Tô chorando aqui por causa daquele bendito texto sobre a saudade, obviamente, e esse texto sobre o ICP eu já conhecia, mas é perfeito mesmo assim. "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened" tem sido meu lema desde que eu voltei de Orlando segunda.
Poste sempre! Uma leitora assídua vc já garantiu ;)

Bruno Hansen disse...

Prezado roomie,
agora ja faz um ano hein.. ate mais que isso. Ow foi bom demais morar com voce! Agora aqui morando na Belgica, vejo como nos EUA foi legal. Todos vivendo o mesmo momento, passando praticamente pela mesma experiencia.
Ow foi muito legal neh! Soh depois que voce percebe o quanto que foi bom, mas acho que eh assim mesmo.
Forte abraco

Anônimo disse...

olá =)

eu li esse texto na minha última semana e até hoje eu não sei definir o que eu sinto. é uma mistura de saudade com orgulho de ter curtido tudo e de ter feito uma das maiores viagens da minha vida - de amigos e momentos inesquecíveis. como foi tudo muito recente, ainda há tanta mágica na minha vida... como o mickey de pelúcia que me acompanha durante esse post. eu sei que temos que sorrir porque aconteceu e foi indescritível, mas acabou... será que acabou mesmo? esse é o tipo de experiência sem prazo de validade, acho que não acaba nunca. nem daqui há 20 anos, nem com os nossos netos, ou vc não vai andar de nametag na disney quando você voltar? hahahaha ;p
once a cast member, always...
